Launching a new digitized consumer service and sales solutions on a messaging platform can be an exciting but also tricky step especially if your business is new to the digital world and in sales solutions. But setting up chatbots to reduce the consumer’s effort and increasing the speed with which it gets the desired help is not as difficult as you might think.
Here are some things to keep in mind to make sure you create an efficient and easy-to-use bot:
1. Build your bot from conversations with your consumers rather than from the most frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Your chatbot is created to hold conversations with your consumers and not to provide closed responses. Articles about FAQs and basic knowledge are written in order to generate a detailed and unique message to a large audience and this is a problem. Effectively, conversations that you can have with a chatbot should look like benefits to texting that you send rather than to a Wikipedia page. The establishment of an active dialogue between the Internet user and the chatbot must follow the specific route of the consumer with the least effort for the consumer and the improvement of the offer of services and solutions proposed by the chatbot. While it is important to accompany chatbot responses with content such as product pages or database media, the majority of your chatbot responses should be based on actual conversations your real agents might have with your consumers. So you have to start creating your chatbot with transcripts of live conversations, voice calls and correspondence by mail.
2. Perfection is the enemy of good
The content of answers usually comes from one of these three sources: from the company with internal articles on basic knowledge and company policy, from the actual agent with transcripts of conversations chats or calls or Well the last source is that of the consumer with conso returns or post-purchase surveys. There is a strong tendency today to create chatbots thanks to the knowledge of the company and this is a mistake. It is preferable to rely on analyzes of agents and conversations that have already existed and so leave the minimum space to the source of the company if we want to create an effective bot that interacts correctly with consumers. It is necessary to leave the learning part of the machine to be done thanks to the data collected by real agents. The more conversations your virtual assistant will have, the easier it will be to make quick changes that will improve the accuracy of the bot’s responses, which will reduce time for consumers and thus increase consumer satisfaction.
3. Be agile
In the call center, supervisors train new agents every day to speak as if it were their first call in order to ensure quality and effectiveness in the answers offered. You must follow the same approach with a chatbot. Once the bot is launched, it is necessary to pay attention to the questions or complaints most often received and to study which conversations receive the most negative feedback. It may be worthwhile to have a subject expert in your company accompanied by a digital consumer service expert to quickly coordinate updates and improvements, adding adjustments to the answers for common questions, and approving Recommended by the machine.
4. When can you expect a return on investment after launching a bot?
The period of profitability is often dependent on the price model you have chosen for your program. Traditional software costs, maintenance costs and professional services costs can take months or even years to be profitable, depending on the bot’s launch framework and the rate of convinced consumers. However, payment models for performance are highly coveted by companies (contacts, sales conversion, qualified management etc.) because they mean no extra costs and a return on investment from the first conversations with the bot.
5. Be a Risk Taker
When your chatbot is live and actively helps your business to have interesting conversations and a smart, intelligent service, there is still one small thing to do about opening quick access to tools like your website Or mobile application. Many conversations that arrive on the bot allow to have data and the intelligence of the way of the consumer makes it possible to improve the solutions proposed by the bot. Finally, it is necessary to create a bot easy to access, intelligent and conversational. It is true that consumers are true followers of this new means of communication since they are fond of contacts like the bot due to its ease of use and efficiency.